The Grammarheads are back and better than ever! We have just updated the website to include a treasure trove of new songs for teaching. We’ve taken all of our rock songs and made both POP and Country versions of each. They are high-quality, educational, and fun! These are the kinds of songs that can be played in the car, in a classroom, or even at home while doing chores. Knowledge seems to be losing its importance for some reason. People are turning to internet searches instead of books; to chatGPT instead of teachers; to Google instead of newspapers and magazines. The Grammarheads believe that we need to get back to the basics and start teaching kids knowledge again! You can do this by having your students listen to our songs. Grammarheads songs are not just for fun: they are educational resources for teachers in the classroom and at home. Anyone is sure to learn some interesting facts about history, science, or English, just by clicking play on one of our educational songs. And who knows, if you listen to enough of them, you may even just learn a joke or two…
Check out one of our latest song to see what we are talking about. This one goes back to the American Founding. It’s called The Constitution POP. Click the YouTube link below, enjoy, and be sure to share, like, and subscribe to The Grammarheads website for more educational entertainment!